Mr. Murray's Science Site

Forces -
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Normal Force and Friction | Ramp Problems | Tension and Connected Objects

Worksheets: These are from IPC, but they are still the basics and you must know them.

1) Forces and the Laws of Motion; 2) Weight, Friction, and Equilibrium

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Study Helps Available here

Newton's Law Explained - The farther you get into this topic, the more this will help you. Welcome to the hardest, easy equation you'll ever use!!!
(Includes a simple example of an object on a table pulled by a mass hanging on a string.)

Regular Physics In Class Review: Key Page 1; Key Page 2.

Normal Force and Friction:

The Basics: Notes in Outline Form - The number of words is small; the information is big. Read them well. If you can apply these basic rules, the whole subject will be pretty easy!

Normal Force and Friction -

Simple Normal Force Explained - Variables only. (I know you don't like using variables, but it forces you to think in general terms. Do it with variables and you do it for all examples.)

Simple Friction Example With Constant Velocity

Normal Force Examples with Variables -

Friction Example - No angles here, just a straight forward friction problem.

Advanced Normal Force in an Elevator - Think you understand Normal Force - let's see....

Normal Force in Elevator Examples - Both are pretty simple.

Important: Object Pulled at an Angle With Friction Using Only Variables - This shows you how to do almost EVERY problem in this chapter.

Friction and Angles

Friction and Angles example 1 - Includes a ramp problem (see below)

Objects on a Ramps: (basic example above)

Sine or Cosine? Which Do You Use? - This page will explains why you must use sine or cosine for the ramp AND (more importantly) how to figure it out if you forget!

The Geometry of a Ramp Problem - It's hand written and messy, but it is the "why" for the sine and cosine by using geometry.

Tension and Connected Objects (Newton's Second Law Apparati):

Atwood Machine - Two masses on a pulley

Atwood Machine with 3 Masses - Three masses and a pulley

Mass On Surface Pulled By Falling Object

Object Suspended by Ropes Explained - Includes an example.

Object Suspended by Ropes 2- Example 2